Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What Were My Highs And Lows Of 2013?

Last week Kate listed her high and lows for 2013 and tagged me.  I've had a little think over the past few days about my highs and lows.  For such a very long time I do believe there were more highs than lows.  Things weren't completely smooth sailing but making the decision to stop fighting my employer and let them end my employment on medical grounds was the right decision.  The stress of fighting this for 2 1/2 years had taken its toll and I could not fight anymore.  Also running away to live my the sea certainly has helped my overall mood.  These two things had a big impact on most things in my life.

Here are my answers to Kate's questions about my highs and lows of 2013:
1. What was your happiest event?
My happiest event this year has to be when we 'ran away' to live by the sea in February.  Don't get me wrong it was a scary moment but happy and exciting at the same time.  Happy about all the new possibilities that lay in front of us as a family of 3 and excited about all the new adventures that lay ahead of us.

2. What was the saddest thing to happen?
Saying goodbye to a small group of supportive, inspirational and lovely friends.  Although they are still at the end of a phone and just a mere 100 miles away it's hard not being able to just pop out for a face to face chat.

3. What was the most unlikely thing to happen that actually went ahead and did?
I ran away to live by the sea.   To a place where I had no job, no friends and no family. Brave or stupid?  You decide!

4. Who let you down?
My last employer and some family members.

5. Who supported you?

My two children, some loyal friends and a fabulous group of loving caring souls at the end of the internet.

6. Tell us what you learned
Who really is there when times are not good.  I learnt who the true kind souls are.
When needed I more capable than I think.
My children are amazing and can deal with life's big challenges.

7. Tell us what made you laugh
My children.

8. Tell us the things that made you cry
Fear about my future and knowing there was nothing I could do.  I was in God's hands.

9. Tell us three things your child or children did to make you feel proud.
The maturity they showed when I was ill and the love and care they gave to me.

How they adapted so well when we ran away to live by sea and started this new life chapter with such enthusiasm.

Their ability to make me smile everyday.

10. Tell us the things that made you proud of yourself.
Having the strength to say I have had enough of this life and the negative people in it and move away and start all over again.

11. Tell the challenges you overcame
The negative people and situations in my life which were making me unhappy.  Sadly there is still a little bit of work to be done but things have improved so much from what they were this time last year.

I also need to overcome a little health issue but I'm nearly there.  Fingers crossed tomorrow goes well.

12. Tell us the things you would like to change about your life in 2014,
Work more on my 50 by 50 goals which are on the tab above.
Work with my one little word to achieve my happy ever after.
Make friends where we live.
Build up my toy business both in the shop and online.
Expand Craft business..
Develop my Taxation business.


Holly said...

I think it is incredibly brave to just pick up and move across the country, or even to a different country! It is something I am definitely envious of you for doing.

alexa said...

What a tumultuous year you have had! Your and your children's courage and resilience shines through. A wonderful reflection on the year ...