I am Mom By The Sea and this year I turn 40. Yep, that big 4 0. It seemed so far away yet has just crept up so quickly. This year I am also losing my job. It is happening in the next few weeks and with my redundancy money I am making some life changing decisions. Due to health issues I know I am going to struggle to get another job, everybody who loses their jobs in the current economic climate struggles but regardless of my academic qualifications, my work experience and qualifications due to being disabled I am going to struggle even more than others. It seemed to take me forever to get a job when I left University, perfectly qualified and then I came to the medical questions and my progress halted. I ended up taking a Masters degree while I continued to look for employment and then I still struggled. Eventually I was taken on and now after 10 years with my current employer I am being made redundant.
Big Change #1 - I am going self employed. Bit mental in this day and age but I just can't sit still and do nothing.
Big Change #2 - We are moving house. Moving from the Midlands to Wales, by the Sea.

And the other two? My Son (Boy By The Sea) and Daughter (Girl By The Sea).
This is our journey.